プロのダンサーになると決めてからは、本当に言葉通り、どんな時もバレエのことを考えていました。歩くとき、座るとき、電車に乗るとき・・・どんな時も身体の使い方や、今自分はどこの筋肉を使って動いているのか・・・そんなことばっかり考えている学生でした(笑) もちろんバレエ団に入ってからも。
気付いたら3時間ほど経っていました(笑) 今の時代、ネットやYouTubeなどで簡単に質の高い情報を得ることが出来るので、とても嬉しいです。
It's rainy today and it's humid so my body is heavy, swollen, and I have headaches.
Especially many people say that this season. When the days are gloomy and gloomy, the mind as well as the body can get heavy.
The one thing that has saved me in these times is "ballet".
I started classical ballet when I was 6 years old, and for just under 20 years, I danced more than any other thing I could get into.
Once I decided to become a professional dancer, I really did as the saying goes, and I thought about ballet at every moment. I did. When I walked, sat down, or got on the train... I learned how to use my body and which muscles I was using at any time. You're working with it...I was a student who was thinking about that all the time! And, of course, after I joined the ballet company.
I am currently working as a bodyworker and therapist, and my job is to heal the body But it's been a really long time since I've watched ballet at home or moved my body through ballet. When I say moving, I mean really simple things like "stand with the floor pushed correctly", "Releve (lift your heels)", and "Pile my body up from the floor.".
It's simple, but it really takes a lot of concentration to really try to do it.
And I really enjoy that low-key practice!
I noticed that it had been about three hours! I'm so glad it's so easy to get quality information on the internet and YouTube.
To be immersed in what you love to do, to move your body by focusing all your attention on the parts you use.
That time really makes me happy, and it's a great source of energy for work and daily life, as it gets me circulating in both body and mind.
In fact, when I was in the company as a dancer, I spent a lot of time on so many humble things I may not have been able to do this.
On the one hand, I wanted to get a body that I could use in a real sense, but on the other hand, I think I was just focused on learning quick techniques because I wasn't sure if I really had it in me.
But now it's all about that simple practice as a foundation! I have experienced firsthand how important it is to be able to say, "This is the most important thing I have ever done.
Correct use of the body is the source of a strong, beautiful, supple and tireless mind and body.