元々、Ambient move.を始めるにあたってSNSがニガテだった私がそれを克服し、もうバッチリと思った矢先にYouTubeを克服する時がきました。まだまだカメラの前で話す事に慣れないですが、すこし続けてみようと思います。
By the way, I told you in my blog yesterday that I had started a YouTube site.
When I started Ambient move, I was not good at social networking, but I overcame that and just when I thought I was ready, it was time to get over YouTube. I'm still not used to speaking in front of the camera yet, but I'm going to keep trying.
When I wanted to go to Germany to take Rolfing pre-training, I wanted to get information about pre-training, but I felt that there were very few ways to get that information. When I found out there was something called pre-training, I thought, "What's that?! Sounds interesting! I want to know more! I thought, but it was hard to know much about it. And it's nice to be able to get information in a casual way with a tool you're familiar with! So I decided to use YouTube, a tool that everyone knows about.
Am I going to talk in front of the camera? I can't! It's definitely going to be a stupid video and I don't want to be depressed by negative comments. But rather than quitting because I was going too far, I wanted to make a difference to someone else by sharing my experiences. That's what I'm trying to do.
I'd really like to make more cool video, "I want to speak without saying,Ummm.Well...." and I want to add English subtitles, and so on.BUT! As much as I can do, a little at a time.
If you are interested, please click here.
PS. I'd like to write my blog in English as much as possible. I hope so.