Ambient move.

Ambient move. );">


ことばで伝える-convey in words2020.04.04




Hello. Today, I took a short walk outside and edited a video.
As I confessed in my blog on this day, I love to express myself in words like this.

I don't know why I like it. I thought it was because of this distance and being able to convey the view I felt in that moment.

Blog is like reading a letter. I feel like I'm writing a letter to you too. I also like radio, and I like the distance between them. I feel like it's closer than TV, a place where we're allowed to talk about trivial things and crap.

Partly because it's the first time I've done it, but it's really difficult to edit a video.
It's really hard to express the exquisite fluff that I imagine in a video, even though I want the letters to appear more like this.
However, if it's a words, I feel that if I spell out the words while feeling the fluffy feeling I feel with my body, it will convey something. I'm sorry if I didn't get it. LOL

落胆、そして前へ。-Discouragement, and moving on.2020.04.02

みなさん、お元気ですか?? 身体はピンピン力が有り余ってるのに、なんだか心が疲れてしまっていませんか?



ですが・・・! ひとしきり落胆したあと、今みんなおんなじ問題をもっているのか。と見方を変えてみました。



How are you all doing? Your body is full of energy, but your mind is somehow exhausted, isn't it?

I had one of those days yesterday.
Because all of my favorite jobs, events, gigs, and study groups have all disappeared, and I've had to turn myself down. I couldn't help but think, "Why the heck! I wanted to scream. I became sad afterwards. I choose to do it, and my brain understands it.

I feel like there's an unseen "virus" in my mind at all times, a virus whose identity is still unknown, and I need to consciously create an environment in which I can feel comfortable, or it could take over my head at any moment.

But...! After a moment of discouragement, I wondered if everyone had the same problem now. I tried to put it in perspective.
It doesn't matter if I'm discouraged or happy with it, it doesn't matter to the virus.
So, I'm going to try to take small, small actions to make myself and those around me feel better.

It's easier said than done, but if you go out on the balcony and breathe fresh air, make a cup of tea, or clean a part of your room, then it's easier said than done, isn't it? In good times and bad, it keeps changing and doesn't stop. If that's the case, I'll always aim for the light.



元々、Ambient move.を始めるにあたってSNSがニガテだった私がそれを克服し、もうバッチリと思った矢先にYouTubeを克服する時がきました。まだまだカメラの前で話す事に慣れないですが、すこし続けてみようと思います。





By the way, I told you in my blog yesterday that I had started a YouTube site.

When I started Ambient move, I was not good at social networking, but I overcame that and just when I thought I was ready, it was time to get over YouTube. I'm still not used to speaking in front of the camera yet, but I'm going to keep trying.

When I wanted to go to Germany to take Rolfing pre-training, I wanted to get information about pre-training, but I felt that there were very few ways to get that information. When I found out there was something called pre-training, I thought, "What's that?! Sounds interesting! I want to know more! I thought, but it was hard to know much about it. And it's nice to be able to get information in a casual way with a tool you're familiar with! So I decided to use YouTube, a tool that everyone knows about.

Am I going to talk in front of the camera? I can't! It's definitely going to be a stupid video and I don't want to be depressed by negative comments. But rather than quitting because I was going too far, I wanted to make a difference to someone else by sharing my experiences. That's what I'm trying to do.
I'd really like to make more cool video, "I want to speak without saying,Ummm.Well...." and I want to add English subtitles, and so on.BUT! As much as I can do, a little at a time.

If you are interested, please click here.

PS. I'd like to write my blog in English as much as possible. I hope so.

近くの知らない場所 -Stranger places nearby2020.03.31









Since I came back from Germany, I've been going out to buy food when there are no people around as much as possible.
Since I've been posting my YouTube videos, I've become good at taking pictures in the park in front of my house and finding "quiet and beautiful places around the house where there are no people".

Then, unexpectedly, there were so many places to settle down close to home! I enjoy making small discoveries with them.

It is precisely because of times like these that we have been able to pioneer a "small life" that can be made comfortable.

In this way, I think it's very important to enjoy what I can do now in a small way.

Because right now the situation could be a long one. I'd like to seriously do my usual "make the moment a little more enjoyable" in times like this so that I can live without being frightened by the virus as soon as possible, and so that I don't just endure this moment.

Rolf Movement w/Marisol IN ENGLISH2020.03.29

I'm posting the English version of the blog in hopes that many people will read it. I know I'm a bit of a mess, but I hope your imagination can get the idea across!

I had my fourth and second Rolfing session since I moved to Germany.
Marisol Valente from Brazil, who will be assisting me in the movement classes during the training period.
Marisol's presence was pretty significant because she and Rita, our movement instructor, were watching us closely during our training up until yesterday, and she made sure we felt comfortable in the class. She is a beautiful person with a world as big as the universe.

During the training period, I was told that I could take an assistant session if I wanted to, so I took it.
After talking to her, she offered me a session that was a mix of Rolfing and Rolf Movement.

Marisol looked at my body and noticed that my vertebrae were moving largely in the opposite direction of my breathing, which she improved with the Rolf Movement.I thought movement would be like walking or learning how to move in everyday movements, but she put her fingers on my spine and it was like my body was learning a new breathing movement as I repeated my natural breathing and it was very quiet lying on the table.

She also noticed my quirks in capturing "relationships" and found that they connected with my body patterns and hindered my coordination.
When I feel like I need space in my environment or with others, I'm sorry to the other person that I'm hurting them if I keep them away from me. I had a habit of trying to keep my distance by shrinking myself down. However, the smaller you make yourself, the more space you lose, and the more stuffy you become.

During the session, in one of the works, I lay on my back with one foot on the table and played with my hands, using the skin sensation of my feet and the skin sensation of Marisol and my hands together, and then when I felt satisfied, I pushed Marisol's hand away. When I pressed her hand, I somehow felt like I was treating her very roughly, and I didn't feel comfortable, so I told her that, and Marisol said

"It's you and me and the relationship. You're not driving me away, you're just changing the relationship, so you and I won't change a thing."

She told me. I realized that when I push her hand, I'm catching her as if I'm pushing her.And when I wasn't comfortable pressing my hands, my body's continueity (connection) was also severed.

Afterwards, I was able to press her hand effortlessly with the stability of my own body, feeling that I didn't need her but the "relationship".

When I got up from the table after the session, my spine, hip, sternum, and everything else felt so much better, and the space between my pelvis and ribs was created (there wasn't enough space before the session). Even when I touched my spine myself, I could clearly see that the lines had changed.

I had no idea that today's session would lead to a "relationship", but it was a session where I felt a strong connection between my thought patterns and the structure of my body.